What the health? The world seems to be sick and to have gone mad. As I have long said, everything is connected. I have three published books, A Nutrition Revolution (2011), A Nutrition Evolution (2019), and The Intangibles (2023), all of which essentially say the same thing: unless and until we wake up, realize this, and deal with it, our sick world will never heal. I have also said that if we push for solutions and dig deep to find the problem, the problem will push back. So here we are staring at the roots and watching the proponents of the problem fight back as predicted. This is progress, but, now what?
I hold a Health Science Teaching Credential, a Clinical Nutrition Degree, and a Reiki Certification which lend themselves to a deep understanding of all aspects of health: social, mental, physical, and spiritual. Throughout my research and career, I have found that the root of major problems is money. Since there is money to be made from illness, and other reactionary measures like prison and war, there is a vested interest in keeping solutions like natural healing (including nutrition and breaking the cycles of abuse) quiet. As a natural healer and educator, I have experienced this resistance firsthand.
If we continue exposing our world problems (gross economic inequity, political and business corruption, racism, sexism, an ineffective healthcare system, etc.) their roots will continue to be seen and they will continue to flail as they are doing now. Ultimately, however, the problems will be solved once and for all. Why? Most people do not condone the conditions that brought about the existing wealth imbalances and resulting problems. Most people are good and just. Pre-COVID many were too busy and unaware to make a difference with their dollars, voices, and votes. However, during the COVID pandemic, many people started paying more attention.
The ultimate solutions are preventive measures including education and access to effective natural remedies. Continually digging up and focusing on the roots of the problems will ultimately solve them. So, keep illuminating the problems and seeking remedies and the worms will continue to make their way out from under the rocks where we can see them and deal with them once and for all. Go Health! For more visit: ahealingrevoution.com.